Thursday, October 17, 2013

Runescape Spreading Guide

Runescape Spreading Guide

Quick way to make tons of cash, found this out myself. If you do this right, you can make 1.5-2m per hour. I call this method the Power Tank.

Required: Anti-fire shield, Dragon-fighting equipment, Cannon, LOTS of games necklace, LOTS of cannon balls, LOTS of food (rec. Sharks or better).*

Runescape Spreading Guide

Recommended: Use Ranged attacks, Ring of wealth 


1. Wear dragon-fighting equipment, bring a games necklace, food, your cannon, and a couple cannon balls. Wear a ring of wealth for added luck in drops.
 2. Go to the red dot on the map above, setup your cannon in the middle of all the dragons, and begin fighting them. Always leave your cannon there, don’t take it with you when banking**
 3. Once your inven is full, use your necklace to tele to Bounty Hunter (purple dot), bank your loot, and use the necklace again to go to Clan Wars (blue dot). (Make sure you have enough charges in your necklace to get back to BH later).
 4. Come back to your spot and the cannon should have killed 4-5 drags by now, loot all the goods, reload your cannon, and repeat from step 2.

* Amount of these items is based on how much cash you wanna get, each trips usually takes 30-40 cannons, 8 food, and 2/8 of a games necklace. 

 ** If your cannon disappears while it is setup, or you logout while it is setup, you can go get a free one at Dwarven Mine.


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