Saturday, October 12, 2013



Adsense Is Dead!

Wait…no it isn’t. And now I’m just as guilty as all the other buttholes that say “___ is dead” to get attention! Dangit! Alright, we both know that Adsense isn’t dead. And we both know how annoying it is when people say that methods, techniques or platforms are “dead” when they really aren’t. Some examples of this are popular-but-melodramatic blog and forum post titles such as “SEO is Dead! OMG!” or “PPC is Dead! LolzzzZZZ!!!” Doing this only confuses people that are new to internet marketing and only annoys people that know better.

And I admit that I am now guilty of doing the same. But, hey, I’m calling myself out on it at least  Now as you know, Adsense – Google’s advertising platform – isn’t actually gone. Adsense ads still appear on hundreds of thousands of websites making millions of dollars per month in revenue several cents at a time. For Google. What IS dead, however, is the “Adsense Gold Rush.”


This is the so-called business model that many people used back in 2004 thru 2007 or so, setting up dozens or even hundreds of small websites for the sole purpose of placing Adsense ads on them. The hope, of course, is that visitors to these sites would see the ads and click on them. Earning the site owner MAYBE a few cents per click. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not dumb enough to believe that Adsense wasn’t (and in some cases, still is) profitable.

I know that a lot of people made a LOT of money back in those days by using Adsense. Back then, it was pretty easy. SEO was easier. Adsense rules were easier (for the most part, anyway). But like most “gold rushes” the honeymoon didn’t last long. Two important things started happening: The first thing that happened is the onslaught of bans. People got banned (and are still getting banned) from Adsense for seemingly no reason.

And it’s easy to say “yeah, right…they were doing something wrong, they just won’t admit it.” I will readily admit that was the first thing that came to my mind many times as well. And I have no doubt that in many cases, that is true. But I know for a fact that in many other cases, people got banned from Adsense for doing nothing wrong. Or at least nothing Google would publicly tell them was wrong. In fact, in the event of an Adsense ban, there is little that can be expected from Google as far as an explanation goes. Usually, you just get a canned response and that’s it. That, and your latest earnings being confiscated, which is always fun…not.


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