How to make money with HYIPs without even investing to them
Now everyone knows what HYIPs are; High Yield Investment Programs. And I really hope that most of you also know that 99% of them are pure scam. Sooner or later they are just going to take your cash and run. That´s how Pontzi-schemes work - People who join later fund the money paid to people who joined earlier. And as you can imagine, the source for new members gets dry eventually.
That is the time when they stop paying and run. If you have ever Googled word HYIP, you have noticed that there are loads of forums related to them. And if you have taken are closer look to the forums, you may have noticed that most of the posters there are so called "HYIP monitors". They are websites that claim to be honest and monitoring on what HYIPs you should invest to. The truth here is that most HYIPs only pay to these monitor sites and no one else!
How to make money with HYIPs without even investing to them
They WANT them to post screenshots of their payments to forums so more people will invest to their programs. And when someone who is NOT a monitoring site owner deposits his/her money there... Bang, it´s gone. You can spend your days writing to HYIP-support and posting to forums that you did not get paid and they took your money. But no one cares. Your comments here and there are devoured by the monitoring site´s comments that they got paid. And those are what the big audience will see.
So these monitoring sites are actually in the same scheme with HYIP programs, just operating on a bit different level. HYIPs want as much payout proof-posts as possible to overtake the non-paying users´s posts. And general part of the people who read those forums believe the monitor admins post and think that "ok, they got paid so this looks legit. I will invest here.". And that´s how HYIPs get their victims.
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